Just a man, a copy of MS Paint, and a blatant misunderstanding of Image Copyright law.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nope, still not it.

Well my monoblogues,

It's no secret that I've been having a severe case of writer's block or rather writer's blog-ck in terms of what to do for my twentieth blogiversary spectacularrrrrrrr (roll the r's) . But it would seem that now God's cruel irony has struck once again.  Sure during the few fleeting days I have off over Easter, my mind's a total blank. But now that reports and deadlines and exams are popping up like a whack-a-mole game from Hell, I can't stop thinking of ideas for posts. Twelve. That's how many goddamn ideas I have come up with today. So now as I desperately try to cram the contents of an entire semester into my head; the back of my brain refuses help out at hand and is instead hard at work coming up with hilarious, awful, hilariously awful and awfully hilarious jokes for my blog.

Like this one.

Well brain, this shit needs to stop now. It's crunch time, and so help me god if you crap out me; I will find the nearest streetlight and headbutt it until it falls over. I will drive down to the nearest nursing home and lick every person with Alzheimer's I can find. I will shove an uncapped sharpie in each nostril and smell them dry. I will watch the entire first season of Jersey Shore, every single episode. Back. To. Back. In short I will fuck you up in ways that you can't even imagine (and being a brain that's pretty much all you do).

Oh god, I can feel my brain cell count is decreas- dropp- going not big.

So yeah, the message I'm trying to send it "I won't be posting any substantial for the next while or so", but the moment I do come back, you can expect my blogiversary post. No foolins and totally for seriouses. On a slightly less depressing note (assuming you're sad at my lack of posting, though you could be dancing with glee and I wouldn't know) if you google "Mr.Scruffaduff", this blog is the second search result. The first search result is something else I wrote for a student newspaper, The Peak. So I guess this makes it official, I now have an internet monopoly on the name Mr. Scruffaduff. Awesome.

Merchandising rights still avaliable

Note: The Lambshank redemption picture was not actually done by me. I had the idea, but now the technical knowhow. The man with the chops (Get it? Chops? Like lamb cho-Not in the face!) to orchestrate that jpeg, is none other than bhundair, aka Max Violence aka that abrasive white guy aka my friend Blair Mclaughlan. He used some kind of photostore/pictureshop program to do it. It may not have been MSPaint, but it seemed to do the trick.


Anonymous said...

I prefer long legged Mr Scruffaduff.

Anonymous said...

too bad anonymous
my dad gave no quarter and i asked for no quarter!!

Anonymous said...

what an excellent lambshank redemption poster!

Anonymous said...

I am disappoint that you won't be writing more posts for a while.

Still, school is more important than the Inter- HAHAHAHHAHA okay I can't say that with a straight face. Who needs school anyway?

Good luck with your exams.