Just a man, a copy of MS Paint, and a blatant misunderstanding of Image Copyright law.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Internet woes and a picture of Al Gore.

Hazzah! my ecoblogical footprints,

It has been one hell of a week I can tell you that. An aneurysm inducing, ritalin snorting, sleepless hell. But now I'm back and after my customary 72 hour post-exam collapse I am back and ready to to blog your fucking brains out. So dear readers, prepare yourself  for my....  
Wait, it's not here? Crap. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap. It should be here. Umm, try refreshing. F5. F5. F5. Oh wait, I remember what happened. I spent two goddamn hours blogging my heart out and then Blogger decided it was going to eat it. Then my modem decides to crap out for 6 hours. I am so pissed off at the Internet right now that no amount of terrifying porn or adorable cat videos that it can produce will be enough cool my unending fury.
 So angry infact that I plan to write several strongly worded letter-bombs to the man incharge of it.

 Oh there's going to be gore, all right.

So yeah, I've been furiously writing for what's approaching Hour 4 now and my letter-bomb is slowly turning into a manifesto-bomb(Sweet band name up for grabs) also I'm running dangerously low on red ink and blasting caps. I need a new thesaurus too, my current one is seriously lacking in synonyms for assface. So I'm headed to my local office/mining supplies store. For now, it's best to keep things short incase my modem decides to crap out again. So sorry readers for disappointing you,  they'll no 20th blogiversary post today. Also Christmas may or may not be cancelled.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh dear god, my brain is melting! Someone get a bucket!

I'm still in exam mode, so nothing of merit today, my carry-on bloggage. Although there is one thing to I'd like to mention. The other day I woke up from yet another one of my Ritalin induced black-outs and I found myself  sitting in front of the computer. Odd, since I was studying in the basement at the time.Upon closer inspection there were several copies MSPaint open. This is what I found.

Maybe, I should lay off the Ritalin for a little while.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nope, still not it.

Well my monoblogues,

It's no secret that I've been having a severe case of writer's block or rather writer's blog-ck in terms of what to do for my twentieth blogiversary spectacularrrrrrrr (roll the r's) . But it would seem that now God's cruel irony has struck once again.  Sure during the few fleeting days I have off over Easter, my mind's a total blank. But now that reports and deadlines and exams are popping up like a whack-a-mole game from Hell, I can't stop thinking of ideas for posts. Twelve. That's how many goddamn ideas I have come up with today. So now as I desperately try to cram the contents of an entire semester into my head; the back of my brain refuses help out at hand and is instead hard at work coming up with hilarious, awful, hilariously awful and awfully hilarious jokes for my blog.

Like this one.

Well brain, this shit needs to stop now. It's crunch time, and so help me god if you crap out me; I will find the nearest streetlight and headbutt it until it falls over. I will drive down to the nearest nursing home and lick every person with Alzheimer's I can find. I will shove an uncapped sharpie in each nostril and smell them dry. I will watch the entire first season of Jersey Shore, every single episode. Back. To. Back. In short I will fuck you up in ways that you can't even imagine (and being a brain that's pretty much all you do).

Oh god, I can feel my brain cell count is decreas- dropp- going not big.

So yeah, the message I'm trying to send it "I won't be posting any substantial for the next while or so", but the moment I do come back, you can expect my blogiversary post. No foolins and totally for seriouses. On a slightly less depressing note (assuming you're sad at my lack of posting, though you could be dancing with glee and I wouldn't know) if you google "Mr.Scruffaduff", this blog is the second search result. The first search result is something else I wrote for a student newspaper, The Peak. So I guess this makes it official, I now have an internet monopoly on the name Mr. Scruffaduff. Awesome.

Merchandising rights still avaliable

Note: The Lambshank redemption picture was not actually done by me. I had the idea, but now the technical knowhow. The man with the chops (Get it? Chops? Like lamb cho-Not in the face!) to orchestrate that jpeg, is none other than bhundair, aka Max Violence aka that abrasive white guy aka my friend Blair Mclaughlan. He used some kind of photostore/pictureshop program to do it. It may not have been MSPaint, but it seemed to do the trick.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dilly-Dally Delays

Bad News! my bloganberry pies,

I'm afraid I'll be delaying my twentieth blogiversary mega-post. You see, this morning I was in the kitchen making a Spanish omelet for breakfast, and long story short, the entire bottom level of my house is now flooded with deadly, deadly radiation. So, until the Geiger counter reading drops below "skin melting" I can't go downstairs. Downstairs is also unfortunately where I keep my blogging supplies.

 Pictured: My blogging supplies.

So yeah, now I'll just have to wait out the radiation. In the meanwhile, I'll tell you about the strange happenings that have been happening strangely as of late. Yesterday morning when I stepped outside to pick up my daily newspaper, I noticed that several of my trash cans had been tipped over and their contents strewn across the sidewalk. At first I figured it was just the work of some drunken teenagers, but when I went to check my trashcan security system, both the acid tank was still full. Odd. Naturally, the my next suspect were raccoons, but then I remembered that all the raccoons (as well as mailmen, girl scouts and Jehovah's witnesses) seem to have disappeared ever since I started letting Mr. Scruffaduff out at night.

Who's a good boy? You are! Whoooo's a good boy? You are!

Further puzzled, I went to check my security tapes, and it was there I witnessed the shocking truth. It seems last night, an unknown entity attacked my home. It caused the trees to shake wildly,  wind chimes to jangle ceaselessly and made anything not nailed down take off like a bird. It was terrifying, moving in all directions like some sort of invisible storm. It was this "force" that had knocked over my trashcans. But what was it? After many an hour in the conservatory pondering the events, piecing together the bits of information and I have discovered what happened that fateful night. Ladies and gentlemen. I have a poltergeist.

 Wait, that's what a conservatory is? Damn, I wanted the other one.

Fortunately, I happen to have a fair amount of experience in dealing with the supernatural (I'm a quarter wood nymph) ; and by reading this post you can too!

Dealing with a Poltergeist

Step 1: For minor ghosts and/or spirits: Prepare a ghost "scrub" by mixing 4 parts Holy Water to 1 part Shinto Purification Salts and 1 part Baking Soda in a large bucket. Pour half of the mixture into supersoaker and get down to hunting yourself some ghosts. After chasing ghosts off premises, apply the leftover scrub to all the inner surfaces of your home with a paint roller or pressure washer. This should stop any more ghosts from getting in. But you will need to reapply every 2-3 months. For a more permanent solution, try insulating the walls of your home with wadded-up pages of the bible (I suggest the book of Matthew, all that begatting doesn't make for very good reading)

Step 2: If the scrub has failed to chase away the ghosts , instead try tricking it into leaving by placing a trail of marshmallows leading outside of the house. Dead or alive, most creatures will be unable to resist the mallowy allure of the delicious air-puffed treat. You'll need to make a trail far enough away from your home so that the they won't be able to find their way back. The local fairgrounds is an ideal place to end up, the noise and colourful lights should disorient the spirit long enough for you to sneak away and hopefully never see them again.

Also works great with kids and the elderly. Just sayin'

Step 3: So it didn't go for the marshmallows or the fair, eh? Well I guess it's time to bring out the moderately-sized guns.Your goal now should be to make your domicile so unappealing enough to the ghost that it would rather run screaming back to the depth of Hell  then stay there a second longer. To do this you'll need to do some research on what kind of person the ghost was when he/she was alive. Was your ghost a classical music aficionado in life? Crank up the Nickelback. Did they used to be a fervent vegan before they bit the dust? Try blaring some Nickelback. Maybe they used t-Slap a copy of "Dark Horse" into your CD player and tear off the volume knob.

Make up your own comment for this one.

Step 4: Wow really? It's still there? Damn, usually the 'back always works.  Well maybe it's time to try the old time-tested solution of just ignoring it until it goes away. But you should know that ignoring an angry spirit is harder than it sounds and it already sounds pretty damn hard. But with these helpful tips, you'll barely know it's there.

-Go Amish and ditch all your electronic appliances.
-Glue plastic foam to all your doors and windows to muffle all the slamming noises.
-Paint your walls a shade of red and you'll hardly notice that they're bleeding.
-Pump up the death metal and you won't be able to tell if all the screaming is the music, or the tortured soul stuck on plane of existence.
-Join the World of Warcraft.

Last Resort: Ok, at this point, you're going to need to do epic battle with the ghost/ghosts. Although, I warn you now that this should only be used as a last resort. If worse comes to worse you are totally better off moving and selling the house to some goth couple, who are into that kind of thing. The reason I hesitate the bring this up is because ghosts are you may have already figured out, are very hard to kill and can easily fuck you up.

They can throw furniture and appliances at you.They can straight up possess you, make you rotate your head 360° and vomit all over the place. They can lovingly hold you as you sit at a pottery wheel sculpting an urn. In short, there's a reason ghosts are in horror movies and bunnies aren't.

Good horror movies. Good horror movies is what I meant.

However, that is not to say that are completely invulnerable. After reading all the pseudo-scientific articles  I could find about ghosts on the interweb, I've learned that a ghost is essentially  pure energy with a consciousness bound to it. Therefore the best way to destroy them, at least temporarily,  is to disrupt their energy matrix binding one to the other, using rapidly-alternating voltic frequencies. In layman's terms: Damned if I know, just tase the basterds.

That's right officer,  you "disrupt" that "ghost"!

Depending on the ghost, you may need more juice than the average taser can offer. In which case you may want to up switch up to an industrial sized cattle prod or for the really stubborn cases, one of these. One more piece of advice, while locked in epic combat with the ghost, don't let it fly through you; it doesn't hurt you but it  feels all weird and violate-y. Well readers if you've followed by instruction to a T (Or at least a Q). Your home should now be spook free, or you're dead. Either way that ghost shouldn't be bothering you anymore. Unless it's bullying you in the afterlife, in which case go tell God on him/her. 

Next up: Dealing with a Coultergeist

Monday, April 5, 2010

Holy shit it's my twent- Just kidding this is post 19 and a half.

Happy Easter! My Creatures from the Black Blogoon,

Well as you may have assertained from the title of post, this is not my twentieth post, but rather nineteenth and  half. Now you numerologists out there, might contest "But Gary, you can't have half a blog post, having half a blog post is like having half a hole, it doesn't matter if it's half the size, it's still a whole hole". Well while that is a good point; have you ever considered the following?  Shut it, you nerds.

..and that's how I won my 16th debate competition

So what's in the news? Easter? Yawn. We all know the Easter deal, Bunnies, Eggs, the Ressurection of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ etc. etc. On a slightly less dull note, I did happen across this neat article on the internet. Clickitclickitclickitclickit. Now for those of you too lazy to move the mouse/trackpad/touchscreen over to those blue words and apply a very small amount of pressure (I'll bet your mothers are very proud). Here's the gist of it, yesterday a Chinese coal-ship, the Shen Neng 1, crashed into the Douglas Shoals, a section of the Great Barrier Reef, and began to leak oil into the surrounding waters.

Before                                                After

Seriously crew of the Shen Neng 1 Seriously? I mean this doesn't even sound like news article, this sounds more like a goddamn episode of Captain Planet. I mean it's not like the Great Barrier Reef is that hard to miss. It's not just a barrier reef it's the Great Barrier Reef. "Now I may  not the biggest fan of the enviro-movement", he said, throwing another seal-pup onto the fire. But this is just truly awful.

Quite frankly this never should have happened.One wonders aren't there safeguards in place to keep this sort of thing from happening? I mean it's against the law for me throw out a can of paint, but these guys can just float whatever they want whereever they want? Not to mention the ship's cargo of 65,000 tonnes of coal.Yep, clean burning zero-emissions coal. Well, readers that's all for today and as my computer clock tells me, today's is actually tomorrow. Well I'm going to spend my Easter Monday, the way I always do. Hoarding enough Cadbury Creme Eggs to last me until next Easter. So until next time don't forget Panda suicide bombers totally exist. No foolin'.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nineteenth post? More like FINE-teenth post! amirite?

How's it hanging my blogaddocios.

If you're wondering about the totally radical changing of my blog's background colour, well today is April Fools Day  and sites all over the internet are engaged in all sorts of tomfoolery, or for the more sophisticated thomasfoolery. Just check out the XKCD website or Youtube. Well as for the colour change, that's pretty much all I can do as a April Fools Day joke with my current level of computer training.. I'm not exactly what you'd call a computer wizard.
 I'll never let you get your hands on the Philosopher's stone, Viraldemort!

Maybe by next April Fools Day I'll have something better planned, but I wouldn't hold your breath. As for the today's post. A friend of mine is going in for a job interview at some accounting firm, and I've decided to dedicate this post to him and and all the other schlubs looking for a job in today's market.

So you need a job?
With the recent economic downturn, it would seem that all the money in our economy has mysteriously disappeared and reappeared in China's economy. Now I'm not saying that the reason for this is because the Chinese have invented some sort of money teleporter,  but I'm also not not saying it. As a result us we North Americans now need our jobs more than ever so we can afford to buy more crap from........China. But unfortunately, we've already  given most of our jobs away to........China. Crap.

As a result  the job market has been whipped up into a frenzy, and with more applicants than jobs, only the best, brightest and dating the boss' daughter-est of us will prevail and chances are if you're reading my blog you are none of these. However,  fortunately for you reader, I have several handy tips that will give you the edge you need against the competition.

Tip #1: Dress sharp. It is a well known fact that your first impression is generally the most lasting in your employers eyes. So dress sharp. No, literally. Wear something that is really really pointy. Consider hotgluing several cacti to your business attire and/or carrying a nail gun with you at all times. Hardwired in the human psyche is fear of sharp and pointy things. By wearing things that are sharp and/or pointy, you are showing your superiors that you are both fearless and to be feared. Also that you could probably kill them with a hug.

Don't laugh, this guy could easily buy and sell your ass.

Tip #2: All's fair in love and interviews. Deliberately sabotage your opponent by any means necessary. Here I've provided several examples. But really your only limit here, is your imagination!   

-Secretly add several drops of Epacac into their water bottle. 
-Replace their powerpoint presenation with a slide show labelled "Venereal Diseases of the World". -
-Set their car on fire
-Tuck a Klan hood into the back pocket of their pants as they walk into their interview.
-While they're in the washroom, fill their briefcase with baby cobras.
- Pay an actor to play their drug addicted son.
-Shoot them with the nail-gun from Tip #1

Tip #3: Lie. It amazes me how many people forget about this little gem. Your competition says he has worked in the field for 5 years? Sprinkle a little lying and BAM! You've been doing whatever he's being doing for over a decade. They coach an inner city basket ball team? You coached a inner city wheelchair basketball team. They went to Harvard? You went to Super Harvard.With the power of lying you can accomplish pretty much anything; and it's not like they're going to check personally. Even if they do decide to check your credentials, they'll probably pass that job off to their secretary or other low waged minion.Then all you have to do slip a little cash their way, and you're made in the shade.

Well Dolores, I'd have to say my favorite musicians are the ,ahem, "Jackson 5"

Tip #4:Don't bother with the interview. Instead just show up at work one day and start doing the job. Not only will this show your employers, that you are both assertive and a self-starter, it keep them from having to waste their time interviewing people. Also thanks to the cold, mechanical nature of the workplace, most people will not notice the person working besides them is someone completely different. If someone does notice however, and asks who you are, simply answer "Really?" and look at them like it's fairly obvious question and that they are an idiot. Alternatively, you could respond with a "Oh so a (black person/woman/jew) can't be a (the title of the job)?!?! What are we, living in the middle ages?" Then just storm off angrily, and spend the rest of the day hiding in a bathroom stall.

Well reader, that ends yet another one of my post. Don't you touch that address bar though, because sometime in the next couple of days, I'll be having my  20th blog-iverssary blog-stravaganza blog-tacularrrrrr(You gotta roll the r's). As for now, I'm going to get back building my doom sphere, or as you probably know it, the moon. So until next time, don't forget you only have 40 more soul-crushing years of labour until you can retire as a broken, defeated, feeble old man :)